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Month 6 HELLO.

Let me say… another miracle came into play yet again with our squad and our travel day to Lesotho. We COVID tested after an incredible beach worship set, and wound up with two asymptomatic positive cases. (Yes, very very very annoying to keep coming back to this.) However, we prayed and believed that God wanted to do something else. The thought of half of us traveling to Lesotho, and the other half staying back brought up a lot of emotions for our squad.

Admittedly there was anger, there was confusion, there was frustration, there was “why the hell is this happening again?” Honest thoughts! These questions humbled each of us on the reminder of why we are even here to begin with. We aren’t here just to travel or adventure around to these different countries. We are here for the name of Jesus and sharing it with others. The end.

So in our emotions, we chose to stand on God’s faithfulness that we have seen over and over again thus far when it came to our squad continually crossing borders as a unified group. We chose to grab ahold of Him, rather than death grip our shallow expectations in my opinion. Big faith looked different for each of us. For myself, I chose to pack my bag even though my team lead said that I was going to stay back. For others they fasted, and for the gals that were positive…. well they advocated for a repeat test. … and lone and behold God showed up yet again.

ALL OF US NEGATIVE. Nothing short of a miracle if you ask me, and I am BIG grateful for it. Not only the plain fact that we were able to go to Lesotho, but also for the tension in that gap of time. The tension of truly evaluated why I personally am here, and what sort of expectations I might have still had on this mission trip to begin with. So that’s the story behind the travel day…. now here is the video 🙂


JBAY South Africa to Malealea Valley, Lesotho.





5 responses to “Travel Day, Lesotho. VIDEO”

  1. What a travel day. Love the bus transfer…I have learned to appreciate the ingenuity of people in other countries. Some of the scenery looked like Malawi, warmed my heart. I have friends, a number of years ago, who had an audience with the Queen of Swaziland; she is a true follower of Jesus.
    Praying for you and your squad as your journey continues. ??

  2. Can’t help but think about, for all the moments you get to share, how many more we never see where God is showing up and moving in your lives and where you continue to show His love to all you touch. Continued prayers of safe travel and God moments. You are missed. 🙂

  3. I loved catching up on your travel day experiences! Such a grand adventure traveling with purpose!!….and I loved you outing yourself at the end!