
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

On The World Race it is all about community. We spend a lot of time with one another, and in that we have the privilege to hear one another’s stories. The good, the bad, the ugly… but more importantly the obvious redemption of Jesus. Be encouraged, to share your story with others. To break through the stigma that being vulnerable is “too much” or “too hard”, because in reality it is exceptionally powerful in breaking down walls for others.

AH without further ado, please meet my sweet friend, squad mate, and just an all around powerhouse to those that are in community with her, Jackie. Thanks God for her story, and thanks for the redemption and the healing that she invites those around her to walk in and through.

Subscribe to her blog here!



p.s. this is my first spoken word, and I am BLOWN away… thanks God for teaching me and having squadmates willing to activate my creative gifts with video more and more.  

2 responses to “spoken word. VIDEO”

  1. This is so inspiring, so brave, and so POWERFUL. Thank you for sharing Jackie’s story so well. We’re all the better because of it.

  2. W-O-W!!! This was incredible, deeply moving, and sooo powerful! The video definitely enhanced the power of Jackie’s testimony! I’m so proud of both of you! Thank you!….and I hope you have a chance to do this with each one on the squad!