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This just in. Well there are a few things. πŸ™‚ 


I have somehow officially become a VLOGGER. I am going to give all the credit to my teammate Savanna for providing all the content and patience to create this haha! But honestly, I am really excited to provide visual content while on the race to each of you as well as written content in the blog. 



Aside from becoming a VLOGGER; I am officially in my final countdown of 10 days until our team lands in Atlanta one final time before Costa Rica.

So what will be done during this “countdown” time? 

Well for starters, I am in Indiana right now, not Salt Lake. My mom and I left SLC on Sunday after church, and drove my car all the way back to Indiana (23hours). We arrived at 11pm last night… My mom deserves all the praise, because she was the MVP driver as I grinded out this video above. 

I went back and forth a ton on coming back to Indiana one last time before launch or not. I felt this pressure to spend every waking minute in Salt Lake, because I need to pack/prep/final hikes/time with friends/etc. This huge pressure to control the surroundings were associated with it, and training camp renewed my perspective. These are the moments, with my family, that I need to cherish closely. Inevitably there will be something I fail to pack or prepare for, but time with these guys’ is irreplaceable. 

So, Indiana, here I am one final time before launch. 


P.S. I officially am $1,200 from my fundraising goal!!!

This has been an incredible journey to have this CRAZY FAITH with 100% in 100days.  To be transparent, that day July 9th, I obviously did not make 100% but I was at 85% and now… 94%! I am entirely blown away by the love and support (prayer and financial) that I have received. I am so humbled and soo soo honored to be His vessel in this journey. 


With that being said, can I invite you to be my PINCH-HITTER for the final $1,200? 




Make sure to subscribe to the youtube page as well. 



9 responses to “first vlog & pinch hitters.”

  1. The energy, enthusiasm and joy I see in your vlog are inspiring. God speed Dana. Love you!

  2. Awesome vlog! Stay focused & you will accomplish all that needs to be done each day before you return to GA before departing for Costa Rica! You got this!

  3. Love it!!! AHHH! So close with funding!!! CAN’T WAIT TO VLOG WITH YOU THROUGHOUT THE NEXT 11 MONTHS!!

  4. Thank you so much for you steady words of encouragement… it means soo soo much Dr. Laurie πŸ™‚

  5. Thanks for following along Connie! I am so excited to be able to share with you guys

  6. L O V E D your’s and Sav’s video account of training camp!!!! It brought back so many awesome memories. So blessed to have gotten to relive it through your video!