Here we are. In what feels like turmoil, distress, fear, unknown, confusion, and so many other weighty emotions. We wonder how or what we could possibly do as our brothers and sisters in Christ are being persecuted in a way that seems unimaginable. What impact can I make here or there? What words can I even put together to explain my thoughts or emotions?
Psalm 31.
This has been our teams prayer since hearing the news of Afghanistan. Our call to action was to walk around the town of Turrialba Costa Rica and pray for the nations that are hurting.
This video is an invitation into our day. An invitation for you to listen to the words of His truth, and allow it to settle in such a way within you that provides peace and comfort. But also, an invitation for you to join in.
Adventures in Missions has missionaries with their feet on the ground in Afghanistan, and if you would like to support click this link! https://give.adventures.org/afghan21?...
I was in Kabul in Sept/Oct 2003, with a team that was helping to reopen Kabul University after being closed for 10+ years by the Taliban. I have hope for Afghanistan. Much see has been sown in this nation.
Here is my devotion this morning:
This morning I was reading in 2 Chronicles 20. Chapter 20 is a familiar one to me, often quoted, often used as a strategy for breakthrough.
However this morning I read it through a different lens. It begins with the account of nations being arrayed against Judah. It was an impossible situation that Jehoshaphat faced. There was no way that they could overcome these international threats (3 nations) with their natural strength and resources. From the written account, it seems that Jehoshaphat was scared witless (along with the entire nation). He and all of Judah surrendered themselves to the mercy of God. And God fought for them. The enemy arrayed against them was totally destroyed and Judah emerged with treasures that it took them three days to gather up.
As I pondered this passage in light of Afghanistan, I began to speak it over that nation and the believers in that nation. God saved Judah. If God can save that nation then He can save another nation. I realize that Judah as an entire nation sought the Lord. But they weren’t perfect in following God. I am speaking supernatural deliverance over all the believers in that nation. Yes, many have already been martyred. Americans, Germans, French citizens are also stranded in the midst of this catastrophe. God has a deliverance plan.
The bottom line, have we put our entire trust in God. Esther said, “if I perish, I perish!” She totally surrendered her future to God and resultantly saved a people group.