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We as LSquad have learned the ropes of COVID testing so far on this race, and I have honesty lost track of how many COVID tests we’ve taken. Whether it be for entry into countries, or for confirmation that some of us don’t have it when symptoms arise. It is the unfortunate reality that we live in, and really isn’t the most enjoyable thing.

BUT, why look at the glass half empty when it could be half full? We aren’t getting out of taking these tests, so naturally Jackie and I decided to make a hype video for the whole thing while we retested in Ecuador. … and I’m genuinely LOL-ing as I type this out, so hopefully you find it just as hilarious as me.





3 responses to “Realities of COVID testing.”

  1. Oh…the joys of international travel. Counting the cost to advance the Kingdom of God! Keep it up! You are changing lives!

  2. I love how you make a dreaded reality of this WR year out to be fun and celebrate the victories!